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Social Security Disability (SSD)

After the September 11th terrorist attacks, thousands of survivors and responders filed for Social Security Disability benefits due to the injuries, illnesses, and disabilities they sustained on that tragic day and in the aftermath. Many families who lost loved ones also filed for Social Security death benefits to help ease the financial burden of losing a member of their household. While these payments may have helped provide some financial support for those who could not work due to their disabilities, they may not have been enough to compensate for the full impact of the economic and non-economic loss suffered.

If you received a Social Security Disability determination in connection with a 9/11-related injury or illness, you may be entitled to receive a monetary award from the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund. The Dearie Law Firm, P.C. helps eligible 9/11 responders, survivors, and their families file claims with the VCF to obtain the maximum amount of compensation they deserve.

9/11 Social Security Disability Claims and VCF Compensation

Eligible responders and survivors who filed a 9/11 Social Security Disability claim may be able to recover their economic and non-economic loss from the VCF. Although Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) may provide monthly payments for those who cannot work as a result of a 9/11 disability, it only covers a portion of lost earnings.

SSDI also does not compensate for other economic losses, such as loss of future earnings potential or benefits and bonuses. The VCF will consider any payments you received from the Social Security Administration (SSA) as collateral offsets and factor them into your award for economic loss.

The VCF obtains documentation directly from the SSA concerning disability, earnings history, and pension benefits to calculate economic loss. The VCF will also accept a disability determination from the SSA in considering a claim for non-economic loss based on your 9/11-related disability. Importantly, if you are only filing a VCF claim for economic loss and had received payments from the SSA, you must provide the VCF with a consent form for the release of your earnings information.

Regardless of whether you filed a 9/11 Social Security Disability claim with the SSA, it does not compensate for the physical and emotional pain and suffering you may have endured as a result of your 9/11-related illness. By filing a claim with the VCF, you may be entitled to receive an award for non-economic loss for the pain and suffering associated with your 9/11-related illness that caused your disability.

Social Security Benefits and Filing for VCF Economic Loss in Deceased Claims

Families who lost loved ones as a result of their 9/11-related health condition may also be entitled to file a claim with the VCF for economic and non-economic loss. Minus any collateral offsets, the VCF may issue an award for compensation even if the victim had been receiving Social Security benefits for their 9/11-related disability during their lifetime. The VCF may also compensate you for your economic and non-economic loss if you received survivor or dependent benefits from the SSA.

Contact a 9/11 VCF Attorney to Help Ensure You Receive the Award You’re Entitled

If you’ve filed a 9/11 Social Security Disability claim, you may still be entitled to receive a monetary award from the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund. However, filing a claim with the VCF can be a complex process. An attorney who has experience assisting responders and survivors with filing VCF claims can help ensure you provide the information required to process your claim — and obtain the compensation you deserve. The Dearie Law Firm, P.C. has been providing diligent representation to those in the 9/11 community for more than a decade. Contact us for a consultation.

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