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NYC Employees (NYCERS)

Countless responders and survivors who were employees of the City of New York were impacted by 9/11-related health conditions as a result of being exposed to the chemicals in the dust cloud and the toxic debris. 9/11 cancers, respiratory illnesses, aerodigestive disorders, and other diseases caused many of them to retire early on disability and lose out on the NYCERS pension benefits they had been working toward for years.

If you’re a member of NYCERS and developed a 9/11-related illness after spending time at Ground Zero or in the NYC Exposure Zone, you may be eligible to file a 9/11 NYC employees claim for your economic loss with the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund. The Dearie Law Firm, P.C. is committed to helping you and your family recover your rightfully entitled monetary award from the VCF.

VCF Compensation for NYCERS Loss of Earnings and Pension Benefits

NYC Department of Sanitation workers, EMTs employed by the FDNY, and NYC Department of Correction workers were among the brave responders who aided in the rescue, recovery, and clean-up efforts after terrorists attacked the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. These responders — and many other members of NYCERS who worked and lived in the NYC Exposure Zone — suffered considerable economic losses in connection with illnesses linked to the dust cloud that spread throughout lower Manhattan.

If you’re a member of NYCERS and the Medical Board found you to be disabled as a result of your 9/11-related health condition, you may be eligible to receive compensation. By filing a 9/11 NYC employees claim with the VCF, you may be able to recover your lost earnings and pension benefits — as well as non-economic loss for the pain and suffering associated with your condition.

Families of NYCERS members who passed away due to 9/11-related health conditions may also be awarded compensation. In addition to being entitled to recovery for the economic loss that their loved one experienced before death, the victim’s spouse and dependents may be awarded for the economic loss they incurred as a result of losing their loved one — as well as for their non-economic loss — in a wrongful death claim.

Documentation for a 9/11 NYC Employees Claim

The New York City Employees’ Retirement System provides the VCF with certain information required to evaluate 9/11-related disability and determine compensation for loss of earnings and pension benefits for its living members. However, you will still need to establish that you were present in the NYC Exposure Zone at some time between September 11, 2001 and May 30, 2002, and provide proof of presence with your claim.

In the event that you are filing a VCF claim on behalf of a deceased loved one, the personal representative of the victim’s estate will need to obtain the necessary information directly from the NYCERS. The documentation must be provided to the VCF when the claim is submitted.

When seeking compensation for loss of NYC retirement benefits on behalf of a deceased victim, personal representatives must ensure that they provide the VCF with:

• The victim’s “Retirement Data Sheet” or “Disability Retirement Data Sheet”
• The specific NYCERS pension plan
• The date of NYCERS membership
• Letter confirming that the pension has been finalized

Additional information is required if the deceased victim received a disability pension, including the NYCERS Medical Board Report, a letter from the retirement system showing the member was approved for 3/4 accidental disability, and documentation concerning the amount of benefits paid annually or monthly.

Contact a VCF Attorney Who Can Help Obtain Your Rightful Compensation

Filing a 9/11 NYC employees claim for loss of earnings and pension benefits with the VCF involves complex regulations and a considerable amount of paperwork. If you’re an eligible NYC employee who suffers a 9/11-related illness, a knowledgeable VCF attorney can help ensure you recover your lost pension benefits and earnings. The Dearie Law Firm, P.C. has been providing 9/11 responders, survivors, and their families with high-quality legal representation for more than a decade. Contact us for a consultation.

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