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Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is one of the most common conditions suffered by 9/11 responders who assisted with the rescue and recovery efforts at Ground Zero and within the NYC Exposure Zone. While many responders have developed the condition, an increased occurrence of the illness has been reported among firefighters who were exposed to the debris and the carcinogens in the dust found in the air in the months following the terrorist attacks.

For many who were diagnosed with 9/11-related prostate cancer, symptoms did not arise until years later. If you developed 9/11 prostate cancer, The Dearie Law Firm, P.C. can help you file a claim with the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund to recover the compensation you’re entitled to be awarded for the economic and non-economic losses you have suffered as a result of your 9/11 health condition.

9/11 Prostate Cancer Symptoms

Exposure to the thousands of chemicals found in the 9/11 dust cloud has been linked to various cancers, including prostate cancer. The toxins are also associated with chronic inflammation of the prostate — a condition that can lead to prostate cancer. According to the WTC Health Program statistics, 9/11 prostate cancer is the most frequently diagnosed type of cancer in survivors, and the second most common certified cancer among responders.

The WTC Health Program has a minimum latency period of four years from the date of exposure for all types of solid cancers, such as prostate cancer. Since prostate cancer often takes years to develop, responders and survivors continue to be diagnosed with the condition twenty years later. Depending on the stage of the illness, common symptoms can include:

• Difficulty urinating
• Frequent or painful urination
• Pain in the back, hips, or pelvis
• Hematuria
• Swelling
• Bone pain
• Weight loss

Often, the warning signs do not appear until prostate cancer is in the advanced stages — this is why it’s critical for responders and survivors to enroll with the WTC Health Program and screen for cancer accordingly.

VCF Compensation for 9/11 Prostate Cancer Claims

Being diagnosed with a 9/11-related cancer can have an impact on all aspects of your life. Responders and survivors who were present in the NYC Exposure Zone in the immediate aftermath of the terrorist attacks may be eligible to receive a monetary award from the VCF for how their 9/11 prostate cancer affected them physically, emotionally, and financially — the VCF provides compensation for those who have suffered both economic loss and non-economic loss as a result of their eligible health conditions.

VCF economic loss can include monetary damages such as past and future lost earnings, loss of employment benefits, out-of-pocket medical expenses, and replacement services loss, in some cases. Non-economic loss is compensation for pain and suffering, and is determined based on the severity of the condition — for a cancer condition, a non-economic loss award is generally capped at $250,000.

The VCF recognizes various medications for the treatment of conditions related to prostate cancer as presumptively compensable — this means that it’s not necessary to provide further documentation of necessity to the VCF. A number of procedures in connection with prostate cancer are also presumptively compensable, including MRIs of the prostate, prostate biopsy, radiation seed implants, cryotherapy, and orchiectomy.

Families of eligible responders and survivors may be entitled to receive compensation for wrongful death from the VCF if their loved one passed away from prostate cancer linked to the contaminants in the 9/11 dust cloud. In addition to recovering the victim’s economic and non-economic damages, the family may also receive an additional $250,000 for the victim, and
$100,000 for the spouse and each dependent.

Contact a VCF Attorney for Assistance With Your 9/11 Prostate Cancer Claim

If you’re an eligible responder or survivor who was diagnosed with 9/11 prostate cancer, you may be entitled to receive medical care from the WTC Health Program and compensation from the VCF. However, the VCF regulations can be confusing and it’s best to have the guidance of an experienced VCF attorney who understands the nuances of filing a 9/11 prostate cancer claim. The Dearie Law Firm, P.C. works with responders and survivors who have developed 9/11 prostate cancer throughout the VCF claims process to help ensure they obtain their rightful compensation. Contact us for a consultation.

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