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What Does the Status “Unable to Process” Mean?

Unable to Process

Filing a claim with the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund can be a complex process. If you’ve submitted a claim, it’s vital to understand what each status category means as it applies to your claim. Although your claim might not go through every status — because some only apply to certain types of claims — you might wonder what some mean. Notably, one of the statuses responders and survivors might be concerned to see on their claim as it moves through the system is “Unable to Process.”

What Does it Mean When a Claim Status is Displayed as “Comp — Unable to Process?”

If your claim status comes up as “Comp – Unable to Process,” it means that the VCF has stopped processing your claim. If your claim is placed in this status, you will be notified. While you have ultimately been deemed eligible to receive compensation, this status indicates that VCF cannot calculate your award because one or more documents that were previously requested are missing.

A claim is typically placed in the “Comp — Unable to Process” status under one of the following circumstances:

  • You claimed loss of earnings but failed to submit an Exhibit 1 and/or Exhibit B1
  • The VCF requires confirmation regarding whether the decedent had a life insurance policy (in a deceased claim)
  • The VCF requires information about collateral source offsets

When you are prepared to provide the VCF with the missing documentation, your claim will be reactivated for review upon its submission.

What Does it Mean When a Claim Status is Displayed as “PR – Unable to Process?”

When a VCF claim shows up in the system with the status, “PR – Unable to Process,” it means that the VCF has reviewed the documentation that was submitted to validate the Personal Representative in a deceased claim — but required information is missing. The VCF would have mailed a letter explaining what documentation is needed to continue processing the claim. Importantly, providing information related to compensation or eligibility will not alter this status. The VCF will only continue its review once the requested Personal Representative documentation has been received.

What’s the Difference Between the “Unable to Process” and “Inactive” Statuses?

It’s essential to understand that when a claim is classified as “Unable to Process,” it is not the same as “Inactive.” Specifically, a claim is placed in “Inactive” status when the VCF has stopped processing it because there is a discrepancy in the data needed for processing. For instance, a Social Security number or date of birth might be missing from the claim. Or, the minimum documents necessary for the VCF to begin substantive review may not have been submitted — and the VCF is waiting to receive the information.

When a claim is rendered “Inactive,” the VCF will send a letter to inform you. Once you are ready to provide the documents the VCF requested, you can file an amendment to your claim or submit the requested information online. Doing so will reactivate the claim for the VCF to review.

Contact an Experienced New York City 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund Attorney

If you are a responder or survivor who suffers from a 9/11-related illness, cancer, or disease, you may be entitled to receive an award from the VCF. However, it’s critical to have a knowledgeable VCF attorney by your side who can guide you through the claim filing process and help ensure you obtain the maximum compensation to which you are entitled. The 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund attorneys at The Dearie Law Firm, P.C., have been providing reliable representation to claimants and their families in 9/11 VCF claims for over a decade. For a free consultation, contact us today.


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