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Head and Neck Cancers in 9/11 Responders

Head and Neck Cancers

Exposure to the chemicals in the toxic dust cloud after the terrorist attacks has left 9/11 responders at an increased risk of cancer. Among the types of cancers that have been diagnosed in those who were at Ground Zero or the surrounding area include head and neck cancers. If you are an eligible 9/11 responder who suffers from a head or neck cancer — or you lost a loved one to this form of cancer — you may be eligible to receive a monetary award from the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund.

Types of Head and Neck Cancers

These types of cancers typically begin in the squamous cells that line the mucosal surfaces of the head and neck — such as the mouth, throat, and voice box. They can also begin in the salivary glands, sinuses, muscles, and nerves in the neck or head. Among the general population, alcohol and tobacco use are common risk factors for these types of cancer. Critically, research shows that exposure to the carcinogens in the 9/11 dust cloud significantly increases the risk factors for responders who were present at Ground Zero or in the NYC Exposure Zone.

There are a wide array of head and neck cancers that can impact 9/11 responders, including the following:

  • Cancers of the oral cavity
  • Salivary gland cancer
  • Throat cancer
  • Cancer of the pharynx
  • Thyroid gland cancer
  • Laryngeal cancer
  • Nasopharyngeal cancer
  • Paranasal sinuses and nasal cavity cancer

Depending on the type of head or neck cancer, symptoms can include growth or swelling of the jaw, unusual bleeding in the mouth, a white or red patch on the gums, pain when swallowing, pain in the neck or throat, and trouble hearing. Responders who have developed one of these types of cancer might also experience blocked sinuses, chronic sinus infections, nose bleeds, frequent headaches, swelling in the eyes, and pain in the upper teeth.

Treatment for 9/11 head and neck cancer is offered through the World Trade Center Health Program and may consist of radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, and a combination of treatments. Rehabilitation in the form of physical therapy, dietary counseling, and speech therapy might also be necessary, depending on the location of the cancer and the type of treatment. If eating is difficult following treatment, a feeding tube might be needed.

VCF Compensation for 9/11 Head and Neck Cancers

The VCF understands the toll a 9/11-related cancer can take on a responder and their family. Eligible responders who have been diagnosed with head and neck cancers linked to the dust cloud may be entitled to receive an award for both the economic and non-economic losses they suffered in connection with their illness.

A VCF award for economic loss in connection with a head or neck cancer diagnosis can include compensation for loss of earnings and employment benefits, out-of-pocket costs, and replacement household services. Non-economic loss awards, also referred to as “pain and suffering,” are meant to compensate for the physical pain and emotional anguish suffered due to a 9/11 illness. Under the Zadroga Act, cancer conditions can be awarded between $90,000 and $250,000. The amount that is issued is based on the severity of the condition. However, the Special Master has the discretion to issue an award above the statutory cap in certain cases where a victim has been diagnosed with several forms of cancer.

If a victim passes away as a result of 9/11 head or neck cancer — or any other type of 9/11 health condition — their loved ones may be entitled to receive compensation for the costs of a memorial service. In wrongful death cases, the Zadroga Act provides for a $250,000 award on behalf of the victim, and $100,000 to their spouse and each dependent.

Contact an Experienced 9/11 VCF Attorney

If you have been diagnosed with 9/11 head or neck cancer, it’s essential to have a knowledgeable VCF attorney by your side who can help you through the process of filing a claim and ensure you obtain the maximum compensation to which you’re entitled. The 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund attorneys at The Dearie Law Firm, P.C., have represented claimants and their families in 9/11 VCF claims for over a decade. For a free consultation, contact us today.


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