Many 9/11 responders and survivors have moved out of New York State to retire elsewhere. If you are among those who relocated to a different state, you might be wondering whether you can still receive the health monitoring and treatment provided by the WTC Health Program. Fortunately, the Nationwide Provider Network offers care to eligible responders and survivors who live outside the New York Metropolitan Area.
What Is the WTC Health Program Nationwide Provider Network?
The WTC Health Program Nationwide Network of Providers (NPN) serves members who reside outside of the New York metro area and is available to all eligible responders and survivors. The services are administered through Managed Care Advisors (MCA)-Sedgwick, which consists of a network of healthcare providers throughout the country.
The NPN was set up so that it would be convenient for out-of-state responders and survivors to access the medical monitoring, care, and treatment they need for their 9/11-related illnesses, cancers, and diseases. The care is available at no cost to those who satisfy the WTC Health Program’s eligibility criteria. But while the Program offers care nationwide for both physical and mental health issues in connection with 9/11, it’s essential to note that the VCF only compensates for physical health conditions.
Specifically, the WTC Health Program offers the following through the NPN for those who are eligible:
- Annual health monitoring
- Medical treatment for WTC-related health conditions
- Mental health treatment
- Benefits counseling services
Regardless of whether a responder or survivor lives in New York or another state, the same set of eligibility criteria applies to be able to qualify for the Program. Every responder and survivor must have performed an activity within the NYC Exposure Zone during the time and duration applicable to their group.
VCF Compensation for Out-of-State Responders and Survivors
In order to receive compensation from the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund, a responder or survivor must first have their health condition certified by the WTC Health Program. The Nationwide Provider Network can assist eligible responders and survivors with obtaining this certification. Importantly, the VCF and WTC Health Program both have their own sets of eligibility criteria — and different presence requirements.
It does not matter whether a victim lives in New York or a different state to obtain compensation from the VCF. Those who satisfy the VCF’s eligibility criteria may be able to receive an award for both their economic losses and their pain and suffering. The VCF considers things like lost wages, loss of pension and benefits, and loss of retirement contribution programs when determining an economic loss award.
VCF non-economic loss awards are issued based on the severity of the responder or survivor’s 9/11-related illness. Non-cancer conditions are typically awarded in amounts between $10,000 and $90,000. Cancer conditions can be awarded non-economic loss awards of up to $250,000. The amount of compensation is statutorily capped under the Zadroga Act.
Contact an Experienced New York 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund Attorney
If you were a 9/11 responder or survivor, you might be entitled to compensation for any illnesses you developed in connection with the 9/11 dust cloud. The Dearie Law Firm, P.C. works with eligible responders and survivors both in New York and in other states to help ensure they receive the monetary award to which they are rightfully entitled.
The 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund attorneys at The Dearie Law Firm, P.C. have represented claimants and their families in 9/11 VCF claims for more than a decade. For a free consultation, contact us today.